When two people become lovers, they enter a private world of thier own. In that magical place,there is nothing but an overwhelming sense of belonging. In one sense, love is forever. A relationship may fail or fade but the timeless moment when two people become one never be forgotten. The famous couples in this book have all shared moment of deep personal intimacy. Some of these relationship have with stood the test of time, whole others have blossomed and died.
NO Sun sign is "ideally suited" to any other.To know whether like will seek like, or if apposites attract or repel, an astrologer must study the complete horoscope of both parties.
A day on July 12,1895 at 11:00 am in Fabella Hospital, inside the cesarian section, a child was born it was baby girl. Staying for three days in the hospital, the mother Ma.Elena and his husband Rolando Ocampo were very happy for the recovery of their baby. As the day pass by after three months the baby baptized and recieved the first sacrament, the baby was carrying the name of Terry Anne Saemiento Ocampo.
Hi! I'm Terry Anne Sarmiento Ocampo. My friends call me Terry sometimes Bilog. My mother says I'm Alraedy twenty years old. According to my astrology I was born under the year of OX and sign of cancer. When I grow up, I wish to be a Computer Science someday. As of now im still working out at Emolio Aguuinaldo College. Mexican foods drives me crazy with the company of my family and with my boyfriend. If you want to reach me, I'm just in the orbit of 2282B-F Munoz St. Singalong Malate, Manila or just dial 400-25-13.
When I'm in grade four I transfer into another school and school is Efipanio delos Santos Elementary School. I had a friend Andrae and she become my best friend. Until now we've seen eackh other.
When I graduated in grade school it was a memorable days for us, because we have to speech in our gaduation. We need to mention our ambition in our life and what we are going to take in college. Im so nervous at that time. My parents and other visitors around us watching on stage.
Right now I enjoy my studies here at Emilio Aguinaldo College, having a new challeges for me, As of now I'll do my my best to achieve my goals and offcourse with the help of and my parents, love ones, and our almighty God who's always there when I need.
Twenty years ago I used to be an innocent baby girl cuddle by my parent, two people who witnesed my first step, laugther and tears. Some changes occured in me like the way I sit, walk, dress, and important is the way I handled all the things which helped me to be trasform into a fine young lady.
being a child is not forever, one made it grows and in that growth my relatives and friends will be left behind in order to face the realities ang challeges in life, just dont loose hope and have a bigfaith in God.
Hi!!!!!!! thank you for viewing my blog!!!!!!!!I'm Terry Anne Ocampo a third year college student taking up a BS Computer Science at Emilio Aguinaldo College, if you want you to reach me you find out at the orbit of 2282 B-F Muñoz St. Singalong Malatem Manila...Some of my Friends call terry or bilog, I really love to read a love story novel like message in the bottle that novel strikes me alot.....I love to dance, and I love to sing but singing doesn't like me huhuhuh!!! :p
I'am a simple type of a person easy to be with, I hate people who always pretending........
This is my first time to make a web page....